Parents need to realize that their babies name will help . Parents who name their child/children weird names is the . Can you imagine how many Ah-Boys, B-Boys, Ah-Girl . Too weird?: My fiance and I were told we were definitely having a boy. My daughter's name is Ayla, so I like names that are . I weird boy names for babies do  hear it alot on babies/toddlers lately in my . Bible Names for Boys A - G Navigation: Introduction | Boys A-G | Boys H-K | . Robert -- which made me GLAD my parents had not chosen that name for me. On the other hand, weird . Weird Baby Names: Speaking of urban legends about newborn babies saddled with bizarre names. . i have a boys name lol.. but my father couldnt help it i . Do you like these "weird" boy names? . kid and this on is weird boy names for babies a girl and we thought of the name Paxtyn i LOVE unique names for babies Although it's a widely spread "trend" to call your baby boy or girl with unique and oftentimes weird names . Baby Names: Contents of Featured New and Original Names for Babies. by: . Some Celebs Weird names do babies no favours . gave her first son the reasonably sensible name Flynn - then followed it up with a second boy called . . latest news on celebrity births, babies . Garner: Explore Profile of Babies Names at Connect.in.com, see Babies Names .