The word above "Outdid" is the correct spelling for the word. It is very easy to . Outdoes; Outdoing; Outdone; Outdoor; Outdoors; Outdoorsman; Outdoorsmanship; Outdoorswoman
outdo (third-person singular simple present outdoes, present participle outdoing, simple past outdid, past outdid, outdoes, outdoing, outdone participle outdone) (transitive) To excel; go beyond in performance; .
outdid, outdone, outdoing, outdoes. English Translation of OUTDO: superar
Meaning of outdone. outdone synonyms . Outdid (out*d[i^]d"); p. p. Outdone (out*d[u^]n"); p. pr. & vb. n. Outdoing.] . [1913 Webster] An imposture outdoes the .
(redirected from outdid) . outdoes outdoing outdoing outdone outdone outdoor outdoor outdoor outdoor outdoor
Outdid (out*d[i^]d"); p. p. Outdone (out*d[u^]n"); p. pr. & vb. n. Outdoing.] . [1913 Webster] An imposture outdoes the .
outdid: outdone: outdoes: outdoing: overdo: overdid: overdone: overdoes: overdoing: redo: redid: redone: redoes: redoing: undo: undid: undone: undoes: undoing
he/she/it outdoes himself/herself/itself we . you outdid yourself he/she/it outdid himself . they are outdoing themselves: Present perfect I have outdone myself
outdo (outdoes 3rd person present) (outdoing present participle) (outdid past tense) (outdone past participle )
Words similar to outdo: best, surpass, trump, exceed, outdid, outdoes, outdoing, outdone, outflank, outgo, outmatch, outstrip, scoop, surmount, better, defeat, .
outdid outdo Outdoing Outdraw outflank outfox outmaneuver . himself before a new spectator--not to be outdone by . outdistancing outdo outdo outdoes outdoes outdoing outdoing
. that of any other student I know"; "She outdoes . outdo [
Outdid; p. p. Outdone; p. pr. & vb. n. Outdoing.] To go beyond in performance; to excel; to surpass. An outdid, outdoes, outdoing, outdone imposture outdoes the original. --L' Estrange.
outdone . to surpass in execution or performance: The cook outdid himself
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